Janet’s 3 Day Detox Experiment
So I’ve started three days of detox which of course means no bread, no diary, no unhealthy fats or processed foods – ouch! I think I need a separate fridge because at least twice today I’ve almost reached for the kids’ chocolate in the fridge door. I should have let them finish it off already! Darn it.
I’ve never done a detox before. I wasn’t prepared for how much you unconsciously reach for when the fridge light blinks on!
Feeling a bit tired today but that could be attributed to other things. Struggling to not want the amazing Milawa corn bread with my soup tonight but know I need to do the detox properly to say if it’s any chop or not! Watch this space. If I get headaches I’ll let you know….followed by the list of things I’m going to devour on Sunday when it’s over!
I caught myself responding to Gerard’s query tonight “Are you having a cup of tea” to which I replied ‘Yes well I’ve got nothing else to eat!’. Think Day 1 is meant to be grumpy? I should have bought the ingredients and enjoyed their suggested Chia Seed Pudding. Lesson learned!
Stay well & happy all.
The Green Juice recipe - super nice!
The lovely Jess joined me for some juicing
Breakfast green juice - Here we go! Not bad.
Soup for dinner!
My version of the Potassium Balance Soup
This salad rocks! New favourite.
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Originally from sugar cane farming in North Queensland, one of six kids with parents who always grew their own food. During my years at the bank in Sydney as Sustainability Work Stream Leader I was charged with researching sustainability issues and helping the staff in our department learn how to reduce their impact on the world; at the office, in the home, and garden. I gathered knowledge on consumption, waste and procurement dependance and implemented learnings for our staff that was a real eye opener for everyone.
Our reliance on natural resources and vast international systems to entertain, feed, and clothe us makes us vulnerable, and though our collective attitude in decades' past to consumption and waste is slowly changing, more needs to be done to increase our grass roots resilience and self-reliance, both personally and in our communities.
We're igniting a local movement towards greater self-reliance, food security, good health, collaboration, sharing of skills, ideas, hard work and laughs.
I love growing organic heirloom vegetables and living as chemically free as possible. When we garden we truly find ourselves and each other. Join 'The Blitz List' Email Signup to subscribe to the Blog and get all the info and happenings. http://alpinepermablitz.com.au/join-the-blitz-list/